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10.0 力荐

分类:劇情片 美國 1942

主演:愛德華·阿諾德 安·哈丁 唐娜·裏德 



《夜之眼1942》是由知名导演弗雷德·金尼曼 执导的一部劇情片,愛德華·阿諾德 安·哈丁 唐娜·裏德 等倾情出演,该片讲述了:   New York private  detec tive Duncan   "Mac&  quot; MacLain  is blind but has keenly developed all his other sense s. He pursues his work assist ed by his faithf ul guide dog  Friday, his butler, Alistair, and  his ass istant, Marty . Retired ac tress Norm a Lawry, an old fri end, comes to Mac seeking  advice. Her heads tron  g 17-year-ol d step-daughter Bar bara, hersel f a promising actress, is enamored with her leading man in  a small theater produc tion, the much  older Lothario  Paul Gerente. Pa ul, who had  once been N orma'  s lover, has  convince d Barbara t hat Norma actua lly want  s Paul for herself and   has o nly mar ried her fa ther Steph en for  his money. At  Mac's urging  , Norma tried t o reason w ith Paul  , but he i nsists that he loves  Barbara an d la  ughs h er off. Barbara  is equall y disdainful o f her and a grees to meet Paul for dinner th at night at hi s apartment.  Norma's hu sband Steph en Lawry is a scientist leaving th at night on a trip to test a se cret invention on wh ich he has b een worki ng for  the government and  the war  effort. Worr ied about Bar bara, she uses  a pretext n ot to a ccompany Ste phen and g  oes to the apartment. When Barbar a arrives, s he fi nds P aul's  dead body and thinks th at Norma has killed him, even thou  gh Norma insists that he w as dead wh en sh e arrived. Barbar a thre atens to   call the police unl ess she leaves Stephen  . Fearing that a scandal will hurt  him, Norma agrees.  Norma then turns to Mac, w ho goes to  Paul's apartment with Friday  and Marty, only to fi nd the body and the r ug under it missing.  A man arrives to replace the rug and  Mac hides i  n a closet , overhearing a te lephone call to Norma' ;s numbe r from & quot;Gabriel" to "Vera."  Mac accidentally   gives himself away, but w  ith Fri day';s help overpowers Gabriel, who refus es to talk . Mac has Marty hide him to keep him under  wraps.  Nor ma returns  to her countr  y home une xpectedly, which discoura ges an espionage ring that includes her butler, Hansen, from breaking into Stephen 9;s safe and  stealing  his plans. They have killed Gere nte, who was    also  an agent, and hidde n the body. Mac arrives with Friday at Norma&# 39;s house and pret ends to be her curmudgeo nly " ;Uncle Mac" ; wh o has come for a visit. Hi s blindness  lulls any s uspi  cions Hanse n might have about him.  Shortly th ereafter, B arba ra com es home f rom an &q uot;e mergency rehea rsal ", called to get her out  of the  house b y her director, Cheli Scott, who inveigles an invitation to spend the night at the Lawry home. Unknown to Barbara and Norma, Cheli i s the ringleader of the spies  . Cheli ordered Paul kill ed because his affection for Barbara was beginning to limit hi  s effectiven ess, and s he i mmediately suspects Mac is not what he seems.  Gabriel's  wife Vera,  the Lawrys' maid, is al so a part  of the pl ot. When Gabriel  does not return home, Vera becomes  hys terical wi th w orry. Mac secretly asks Ver a to meet h im in the greenhouse, using her  worry about Gabriel as a lure. She is observed by the others, h owever, and is  kill ed by Hansen  before  she can reach Mac . The spies cut the house 9;s te lepho  ne wires so that Mac and Norma cannot call the police, and Cheli has Mac locked up under g uard. Using his blin  dness as a distraction, Mac overpowers  his guard  and release s Friday   out a window with instruc tions to "go h  ome and get Marty .&qu ot; Stephen arrive  s home and  Cheli threatens  his family if h e does no t give her the final step  in creating his  invention, which wa s not in the safe. Barbara final ly r ealizes how mu ch Norma actually cares f or her. Mac tries to st all for time, but is locked in th  e cellar. When Hansen goes to kill him, Ma c has broken t he light  bulb and  his advantage of total darkness helps him  overcom e th e spy. Ma rty and Friday return  with the police. When Fr iday is spotted by a lookout, Mac  overpowers  him and is saved from being shot by another lookout by Frida y. After the spies  are captured, Steph en and Norm a are off to Washington, D.C., with Barbara remaining b ehind to c  are for her new " Uncle Mac."  安画轻叹了一口气,“她在我的面前, 从来没有放开过,哪怕喝 水,也小心翼翼地只沾个唇。她和 夏正明确关系以来,表面 上,纯阳宗是得了丹堂的一些照应,但是 ,以她和夏正的关系,如果有心,元一百灵丹与骷髅蝗的真正关系,我  觉得,完全可以弄来。”

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